Carole Wilbourn, The Cat Therapist, has been the leading voice in feline therapy for over 5 decades. She has helped thousands of cat moms and dads explore, face, and resolve cat behavioral and health issues. Carole is truly the most trusted Cat Therapist in the United States.
“This December marks Hamlet’s second Christmas of his 24/7 gig,” I said to a guest who had stopped to admire Hamlet — one of his many fans. “That’s so cool,” she said. “I have two working dogs. What’s your relationship with Hamlet?” I told her that I helped his major transition from the shelter to his current “greeter gig” with Reiki and behavioral sessions. “I get it, and you continue his sessions, because he’s a working cat. It’s like he gets an emotional and physical massage. The hotel really has his back.”
As the guest looked Hamlet’s way, he lunged for the toy I tossed him. “What fun he’s having,” she said.