Connor's Breathing and Litter Box MO Is ...... - Carole Wilbourn
Carole Wilbourn, The Cat Therapist, has been the leading voice in feline therapy for over 5 decades. She has helped thousands of cat moms and dads explore, face, and resolve cat behavioral and health issues. Carole is truly the most trusted Cat Therapist in the United States.
Cat Therapist, Feline Therapist, Carole Wilbourn, Cat Problems, Cat incontinence, Cat problems, Cat health, Feline health, Feline Therapy, Cat Therapy, Feline anxiety,
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Connor’s Breathing and Litter Box MO Is ……

Out of control breathing and indiscriminate urination and defecation.

Connor on his rug

Connor’s Breathing and Litter Box M.O. Is…..
(Separation Angst, Grief, Abandonment).
“With every breath Connor takes, I feel like it could be his last — especially when he eats. It’s so loud! I know his flat face compromises his respiration. Anyway, he has an appointment with the vet,” said Terri.
She went on to say that the shelter told her that Connor was nine. He was surrendered a few days ago after his guardian passed on. Terri arranged a phone consult with me, because he used the living room floor to poop and pee. She wanted my evaluation, some answers and to ease Connor’s stress with a distant Reiki treatment.

Grief, Separation Angst and Abandonment Spark Misbehavior
Although Connor was in major upheaval/distress, his prognosis was good. I explained that his respiration probably became more labored with his sudden loss. This was aggravated by his abandonment to the shelter — dramatic transitions. His whole being became rigid, contracted by fear and uncertainty. The stress targeted his bladder and rectum. So he “litters” the living room floor as an SOS signal for help. It sounds like he’s constipated. This could also make his bladder uncomfortable.
“I get it! If he used his boxes, I wouldn’t know he was uncomfortable.
So what do I do?”

I mentioned that the vet may clean him out if Connor is constipated, draw a urine sample to rule out any bladder related problem, evaluate his irregular respiration and prescribe a treatment. Connor may need a prescription food for his digestive system and/or fiber supplements.

Recommendations to Soften Bowel Movements:
– Mix 1/2 tsp of water into his food.
– Add 1/4 tsp of cooked, pureed sweet potato, baby food or pure pumpkin to his food. More can be added. If diarrhea sets in, cut back.
– Omega 3 fatty acid oil will also soften his stool.
– Brush or comb Connor daily to enhance his circulation and enjoyment.

The window is my fave spot. i love the sun.

Connor Self-Heals
Terri brushed Connor as we spoke, while the soothing link of music played in the background.
“Connor loves to be brushed,” she said. “And what a honey! Joins me at bedtime and nestles bedside me during the day — whenever he can. ”

Distant Reiki Treatment
“Well Connor instinctively knows how to feel better. All of his above faves nurture him and contribute to his transformation and recovery,” I said.
As I ended Connor’s session with a distant Reiki treatment to balance his mind, body and spirit, Terri remarked how his purr took off. Connor followed the bliss.