Orion’s Catitudes: A Rescued Recovering Feral Speaks - Carole Wilbourn
Carole Wilbourn, The Cat Therapist, has been the leading voice in feline therapy for over 5 decades. She has helped thousands of cat moms and dads explore, face, and resolve cat behavioral and health issues. Carole is truly the most trusted Cat Therapist in the United States.
Cat Therapist, Feline Therapist, Carole Wilbourn, Cat Problems, Cat incontinence, Cat problems, Cat health, Feline health, Feline Therapy, Cat Therapy, Feline anxiety,
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Orion’s Catitudes: A Rescued Recovering Feral Speaks

Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues ….

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone – Harriet Beecher Stowe (abolitionist and novelist 14 June 1811-1896)

** Birth Of The Cat Practice 1973
** A Birthday Consult (Post Vet Angst and Inter Cat Hostility)
** Oliver’s Fascination With Robotic Kitty
** Gucci’s Arthritic Condition Responds to Reiki
** Mateo Nurse-companion For Convalescing Guardian   …..

The Cat Practice

Photo from the book Cat PeopleBill Hayward 1978

Orion was not around at the time that Dr. Paul Rowan and I started The Cat Practice in 1973 in the West Village, a few blocks from our apartment. It was the first cat hospital in New York City. We sold it in 1978 to Dr. Skip Sullivan. It is now owned by Dr. Eric Dougherty.  Orion flashes whisker waves, happy that The Cat Practice carries on.

A Birthday Consult
(Post Vet Angst, Intercat Hostility)
Orion is aware that vet visits can trigger angst. However he knows there’s a remedy or solution for this deviant behavior. Post vet angst occurred when Linus returned from the vet where he was treated and hospitalized for a urinary problem. Lucy, his usual BFF litter mate, cornered and agitated him. Hospital scents and Linus’ angst threatened Lucy. To her, Linus felt like an alien cat which triggered her angst. Susan, one of their guardians, received a video consult as a birthday present. The consult would identify a treatment program to resolve this temporary angst and also prevent a revival of angst when the cats had a vet visit. There would be break-downs and break-throughs as their BFF relationship returned. (See my earlier Blog and scroll down to Meli’s Vet Visit Spooked Pip)


Message from Shannon — “Here are Lucy and Linus in the same room together.  Linus is still under the bed but he now tolerates Lucy being in the same room.  She is patiently waiting for the day that he will play with her again.”


Find Linus under the bed

Robotic Kitties
Orion is a fan of robotic kitties and follows the bliss of Oliver during his wellness session. Notice how carefully  Oliver reaches out with his paws.

Gucci The New Pup Next Door

Gucci, a golden years pup, is now Orion’s neighbor. Orion whisker-waved Gucci’s Reiki session for arthritis, and her guardian reported Gucci didn’t limp the next day. There will be repeat treatments.

Reiki for Gucci

Mateo Watches Over His Convalescent Guardian

Orion gives a shout out to Mateo who provides inspiration and love to his convalescent guardian.

I sent the photos to Dr Ann Lucas at Washington Square Animal Hospital who would appreciate this Mateo update.

Orion gives ©whisker waves for the faves above

…… And now Orion’s signature ……


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