09 Sep Orion’s Catitudes: A Rescued Recovering Feral Speaks
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues ….
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart” – Helen Keller
** Adoption of older cat for a kitten
** Cats attracted to non-loving cat people
** A cat’s name is important
** How to tell if your cat is sick
** Orion talks Reiki then presents his Signature …..
Frequently Asked Behavioral Questions
Orion’s whiskers wave a lot when behavioral questions are addressed:
1) Older cat for kitten
Q. What do I do if I adopt an older cat for a kitten?
A. Even though the older cat is the newcomer or newbie, since a kitten is more flexible and adaptable, concentrate on making the older cat feel comfortable and accepted. The kitten will naturally turn to the older cat for recognition. Don’t worry about your kitten becoming jealous, he will will seek out the newcomer more and more if he receives less attention from you.
2) Cats and anti-cat people
Q. Why are my cats always attracted to people who don’t like them?
A. Cats respond to the feelings of anxiety and discomfort that anti-cat people often experience. Some cats confront the anxiety by trying to make the people feel better, so they in turn will feel relaxed. They may jump up on such a person’s lap and start purring or kneading away.
3) What’s in a name?
Q. Do you think a cat is affected by its name?
A. Yes. Certain names are associated with different bodily and emotional feelings. For instance, if you named your cat “Ugly,” you would say it in a distasteful and unpleasing way because of the word’s connotation. Whenever you called him or spoke to him, you would be giving off negative feelings. Because cats are very in tune to feelings, your cat would pick up on your negativity. It’s much easier to give your cat a name to which you have a good association and that fits your cat’s catsonality.
4) How to tell if my cat is getting sick?
Q. Is there any way to notice that my cat is getting sick by the way he behaves?
A. Yes, if his litter box habits suddenly become erratic, if he vomits frequently, loses his appetite for a couple of meals, refuses contact and if he hides out. Also, be aware of your cat’s breathing. If it’s apparent that your cat is having difficulty breathing for any length of time, and you can’t attribute it to heat or any isolated stress situation that you can control, be sure to make an appointment with the vet to have your cat checked out. Your cat’s eyes can be a good indicator of how he’s feeling. If he has a far-off look in his eyes, or a look of distress that continues, chances are your cat is not well or is about to come down with something.
Orion Teaches Reiki
Reiki restores balance to mind, body and spirit …..
Reiki Symbol -
The Reiki Glow