13 Apr FAQs — Cat Behavior Q&A (Apr 2022)
** Instinct vs. intelligence
** Cat Behavior Q&A
Cat Behavior Questions
* Friends * Exercise * Grooming
Q. Is it important for my cat to have a friend? I spend a lot of time with her, and I’m home most of the day.
A. A cat usually benefits from companionship with his or her own species. There’s no way you can wrestle and play with your cat the way another cat could. Your cat may appreciate a naturally healthy relationship with her own friend.
Q. Would it be okay for me to take my cats outdoors for a walk?
A. If you have a strong urge to do this, provide them each with a kitty harness and leash. Get them accustomed to the feel of it by taking them for walks inside. After several or more indoor run-throughs, you can try walking them out to a quiet, secluded spot. If all goes well, after a few outings, they may become avid street walkers. However, if your cats don’t adjust, forget your “urge”.
Q. Is it necessary to brush my short-haired cat?
A. Yes, because brushing stimulates the circulation to the skin, reduces spit-ups from fur balls and makes your cat feel good.