29 Sep Orion’s Catitudes: A Rescued Recovering Feral Speaks (Sept 2023)
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues.

New neighbor threatens George the cat’s wanderlust ….

Endangered 14 Year Old Cat Makes A Crucial Move ….
Orion added a few ©tail twists to his ©whisker waves as I read this email:
“George has returned home and is safe and sound with us.”
His people originally contacted me to give my professional opinion on why George’s chosen lifestyle as an outdoor cat should be denied.
George’s Bio
George was adopted as a kitten in 2005. About two years later, except for guest appearances, he chose to take on the role of an independent, free roaming, semi-feral cat. George became best buds with another cat, and the duo became a familiar, accepted presence by all the neighbors.
This communal acceptance was shattered, when a new family moved in to the cul-de-sac and complained that George hung out on their property and was a general nuisance. They contacted Animal Control to set up a cage to trap George and notified the police department that George’s presence on their property was in violation of the local pet codes.
On George’s Behalf
When I received George’s family’s email, I told them I would contact the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals and would be in touch with the best plan on George’s behalf. I’m always grateful to be able to advocate for cats’ rights to quality life. (Refer to February 2017 Blog. Scroll to Removal Of This Feral Cat).

George Is The Decider
Somehow, George took matters in his “own paws”. Link it to the loss of his best bud — no longer could George share his wanderlust — or kitty radar or cat-sense — instinctual medium for fluctuations in energy-sensed unending danger. This catastrophe was a turning point, a serendipitous happening for 14 year old George to “retire” to the “good life”.
I emailed George’s family to congratulate him on his cat-wise decision which was a blast of emotional catnip for all of us in George’s corner.
The Reiki Glow
Reiki restores balance to mind, spirit and body

Today’s Cartoon

Orion gives @whisker wave stamps for all the above ….

Orion’s Signature …. All Cats Matter
