FAQs - Cat Behavior & GIFs (Oct 2023) - Carole Wilbourn
Carole Wilbourn, The Cat Therapist, has been the leading voice in feline therapy for over 5 decades. She has helped thousands of cat moms and dads explore, face, and resolve cat behavioral and health issues. Carole is truly the most trusted Cat Therapist in the United States.
Cat Therapist, Feline Therapist, Carole Wilbourn, Cat Problems, Cat incontinence, Cat problems, Cat health, Feline health, Feline Therapy, Cat Therapy, Feline anxiety,
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FAQs – Cat Behavior & GIFs (Oct 2023)

** This Month’s Quote And Cat Behavior Questions ….
Music & rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul  — Plato


** Infectious Diseases   ** Kittens Unlike Mother  ** Prevent Culture Shock

Infectious Diseases

  • Q Will my male cat be a source of infectious diseases to a baby? What about ringworm?
  • The chance is greater that people will transmit diseases to the baby. Ringworm is a potential problem only if a cat shows signs of infection himself.  If so, have your cat treated by a veterinarian and wash your hands thoroughly after handling your cat.  You will all benefit if your baby’s physician is cat-friendly so his solution isn’t to abandon your cat.

Kittens Different From Mother Cat

  • My rescued female had three kittens, and they are all so different from her in disposition. Why?
  • A  The mother cat contributes only partially to her kittens’ dispositions. Her catsonality isn’t always the dominant or sole factor that affects her offsprings’ temperaments. There are also genetic characteristics that the kittens acquire from the father. Often there is more than one father for any one litter, as the female can ovulate a number of times during heat. So if inseminated by different males each time, she can produce a litter with multiple sires.

Prevent Culture Shock

  • Q  I plan to adopt two rescued cats. How should I introduce them to my home?
  • Start them off in a small room with all of their creature comforts. Slowly introduce them to the rest of your home. This will prevent major culture shock.

** Happy Times With Cat GIFs …. (Thanks to giphy.com)   …..


(Thanks to giphy.com)

