30 Oct Orion’s Catitudes: A Rescued Recovering Feral Speaks (Oct 2023)
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues ….

It’s not whether the glass is half-empty or half-full it’s who is pouring the water — Mark Cuban
** Ziggy-Star-Dust rebrands his yowl
** Former Cat Legacies — Monkee, Missy, Suzie
** Orion signs off ……
Cat Wanabee Legacies …
Orion knows it’s quite common for a cat to take on qualities of a former companion—a wannabe legacy. Take a look.

Ziggy-Star Dust Rebrands His Yowl
“I’m so sorry about your loss of Sunny-Blue, your treasured cat and media mate. Sounds like his companion is also a Siamese,” was a message on my answering machine—a few decades ago.
Every morning I would record a Wilbourn Way cat tip, followed by “Isn’t that right Sunny-Blue?’ His Siamese yowl was his answer. Wasn’t I surprised when Ziggy-Star- Dust sat beside me as I recorded my tip. So I took a leap, and Star-Dust gave a Sunny-Blue Siamese yowl. My black cat and recovering feral reinvented, rebranded his yowl!

More Legacies
From former cat companions. Flashback to November 2018 ……