31 Oct A Kitten’s Near Fatal Toilet Plunge
Rags swallowed his kitten angst to rescue the kitten. A Kitten’s Near Fatal Toilet Plunge ...
Rags swallowed his kitten angst to rescue the kitten. A Kitten’s Near Fatal Toilet Plunge ...
A senior fourteen-year-old cat nanny won’t let his family sleep. Hanging in his bathroom sleep suite with feathers Butters Won’t Let Us Sleep. Is There a Plan Z?(New Baby Competition, Baby Culture Shock, Sleep Deprivation)“Dan and I leave for work each morning in zombie mode,” said Annie. Butters, their first born, now a golden fourteen years old, was Willy’s cat nanny until...
Hamlet makes his and everybody’s day. It’s a win-win with this Pre-Halloween Session. Hamlet at work Hamlet’s Hamlet(Feline Greeter 24x7 at The Algonquin Hotel) “Was that a cat I saw you with?” said one of the hotel guests, as Hamlet ambled by. “What’s he doing here, and I see you have a black cat in your backpack — that’s also...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues. Reiki Sparks Togetherness ...
Gilbert’s paws spark a new feline relationship for Fay and Nestle. Gibert's tell-tale paw Fay's reaction to Gilbert's seductive paw Nestle’s Primal Bark Launched Fay’s Serial Attacks(New Kitten Arrival, Displaced Aggression, Attack Cat Behavior) Conclusion-Part 2. “A few days before Fievel arrived, the...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues. New neighbor threatens George the cat’s wanderlust. George at the height of his wanderlust life Endangered 14 Year Old Cat Makes A Crucial Move ...
Tiger’s physical and emotional well being won’t be harmed by removal of his claws. There is a solution. Tiger takes a basket break from play Tiger Will Keep His Claws(Declaw Alternatives) As I bicycled home from my lesson at the Apple Store, my trainer’s conversation came back to me. He told me how he and his girlfriend had adopted Tiger, a rescue,...
Hamlet is not affected by the single cat syndrome. People are his catnip. Hamlet’s Hamlet(Feline Greeter 24x7 at The Algonquin Hotel) “Do you think Hamlet wants a playmate?” said one of the hotel guests. “He seems to be smitten with that robotic cat.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OIh1v14Juk I told the guest that it was actually the glitter ball wand that Hamlet was after. That...
Neptune Comes Out Of The Closet To Celebrate. Neptune Comes Out Of The Closet For The Reiki Treatment(People-Wary, Golden Years, Mutual Bliss)“Thanks for the treatment,” said Eve, “and I should give Neptune a shout-out.” Eve had arranged for me to give her a Reiki chair treatment to celebrate Neptune’s Sweet Sixteenth. She was familiar with my practice where I gave...
**Orion shares Reiki with families of victims in El Paso and Dayton. **It is official, a first. Cats in New York State can keep their claws. **The Cat Practice, opened in 1973, carries on in New York City. **A stray kitten cycles the world. **Cats represent multi cultures in the annual Algonquin Fashion Show and Auction. Vigil in...