22 Mar Orion’s Catitudes (Mar 2019)
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues. *Orion’s DIY mode -- he created his own litter box ...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues. *Orion’s DIY mode -- he created his own litter box ...
Attend a TNR Certification Workshop & Online Course to help the feral and stray community cats in your area TNR Certification Workshop & Online CourseUpon completion of the workshop …. Learn the basics of TNR and colony care Time to wake up. Spring is here!! ...
** Welcome your visitors with a photo of your cat/s on your doormat. ** A Canadian client’s cat lived for 22 years. ** Your cat can experience grief with the loss of a companion or guardian or other traumatic situation. ** The Museum of The Dog returns to NYC. There’s even a virtual dog to act as a guide for...
Why didn’t Mochi purr? Sushi, his bro, did. Was there a problem to his happiness? What could they do to help him? Was he calling out for love? Not long ago, I did a therapy session in Westchester for two kittens who were litter mates. Gloria, their guardian, had found them online. Their rescuer lived in Canada but drove...
Van Gogh was a recovering feral. Although not as outgoing as his bro, he shadowed Jessica all around their house. But why? Van Gogh gets ready to shadow Jessica Cat-centric Behavior“Carole, it’s uncanny,” said Jessica. “Van Gogh shadows me in and about the house, up and down the stairs, but usually freaks when I want to stroke him -- except...
There is an emotional support letter for an animal to assist on a flight or to show to a landlord for a person with a disability Emotional support cat at home And on the plane A brown cat stretched out across her lap as the choir began to sing. It was here at this evensong service in London that I met...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues.Orion faves Former Rescued Moms of The Street, Nellie and Luna. He faves Black Panther for Oscar for best movie and is fascinated with Myanmar Cats. Former Rescued Moms of The StreetNine years ago, Orion was an intact tomcat of the streets. Chances are he sired many a kitten before...
Hamlet the Algonquin Hotel cat faves "Can You Ever Forgive Me?" for best movie. He's very woke to the love for the cat. Hamlet's Hamlet (Feline Greeter at The Algonquin Hotel) As Hamlet digs in to his appetizer of nip to rev up for the fitness part of his session, he reflects on some of the Oscar nominations. My feeling is...
** The year 2019** Poster created by Andy Warhol for his lost cat and the Warhol exhibit at the Whitney** Myanmar mother cat leaves kittens at people nursery** My BTRtoday interview on what it takes to be a Cat Therapist ** Walter Chandoah prolific photographer dies at 98** Become A Certified Trap-Neuter-Release Caretaker The Year 2019 Eisenhower -- Andy Warhol's cat “Andy Warhol...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues A Reiki chair treatment was the catalyst for Dante to forgive his two feline companions. The relationship between Sushi and Linus. And Simon “the Chill cat". Reiki Sparks TogethernessOrion’s whiskers did a super stretch for Dante as I gave Adam a Reiki chair treatment to calm his mind, body...