21 Nov Purr-Events
** A moment of love and silence for lives lost and for care-givers of the injured ...
** A moment of love and silence for lives lost and for care-givers of the injured ...
Senior cat mellows and thrills her family at age 20 [caption id="attachment_2895" align="aligncenter" width="389"] Vibie has become a lap-sitter[/caption] 20 Year Old Vibie Re-Invents Herself As A Lap Cat (Geriatric Golden Years Kitty) “Vibie is 20 and still re-inventing herself,” said Edie, one of my creative trainers at the Apple Store. She went on to tell me how when she recently flew home for...
Monkee, no longer toddler-phobic, Missy empowered with courage and grace, Susie Ms Catsonality Plus and Orion's sign off. Orion’s Catitudes (Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues). Cat Wannabe Legacy Your cat can take on qualities of a former companion. Call it power of example, mirror behavior, or now “I can be top cat on the cat-walk.” Orion declares this to...
With attention and acknowledgement, 15 year old senior cat recovers from the “rejection complex” -- no longer withdrawn and depressed. Ari Is Withdrawn And Depressed (Rejection Complex) “Carole, Ari is no longer bummed out. He’s lazily sprawled out on the sun-filled window sill and about to initiate some mischief with his bro and sis, as their music plays in the background. Their session...
Hamlet shares his swag-filled session with robotic cat. Hamlet's Hamlet (Feline Greeter at The Algonquin Hotel) “I thought that Hamlet was the only cat here, “ said one of the hotel quests. “He is. The black cat is robotic,” I said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ4P_4P4eY0 The guest chuckled and asked if I thought Hamlet needed a cat bud? I told him that the robot was Hamlet’s A.I. conduit...
Halloween and National Cat Purrty. Halloween is a celebration of cats, especially black cats. How cats now play a major role in Animal-Assisted Therapy. An animal shelter introduces a golden-years volunteer as a daily napster with the cats. Stray cats in Delaware are now protected by Animal Cruelty Laws. NYC Cat Purrrty Rescheduled I will be there with Orion's robotic cats. What...
How Mac’s cat allergy was not a relationship-breaker. There’s a way to deflect culture shock and new digs angst for you and your cat. I’ll Get Over This Cat Allergy (Increased Tolerance) When Mac found out Nanette had a cat, he panicked. He was allergic to cats. Nanette, a Brit, who would soon return to the U.K. when her company’s work ended in New...
Orion, a recovering feral gives his cat-speak and ©whisker waves on cat issues. Colette and Can You Ever Forgive Me are two cat-themed biopics that you’ll want to include on your play list of must-see feline flicks. They show how your cat’s senses spark your cat’s mojo and invite wellness. The Elephant Symphony; Running water; Play and Toy therapy; Togetherness - sound of...
Palliative Compassionate Care For Shady’s End Of Life Shady’s Rally With Cancer (A Cat’s End of Life -- Compassionate Care) [caption id="attachment_2828" align="aligncenter" width="463"] Shady loves the crackle of the green tissue paper that matches his eyes[/caption] After chemotherapy for a cancerous tumor in his thigh, Shady had litter box issues. I did a session with Shady and soon after received the following email...
You can exercise with your cat and pump up your health together. Your Cat, Your Exercise Buddy (Share Family Fitness With Your Cat) My cat, Orion, loves to head bump my feet for his automatic under-the-chin foot nuzzles. But now it’s his reminder for me to strike a few kickboxing motions. Why? Because I toss a few of his toys and cheer him...